
“We rigorously enforce the principle of transparency – from pricing to trade cycle – to ensure a clean trading environment that is regulatory future-proofed.”

ParFX has been designed and developed to bring a new level of transparency to the market.

ParFX is based on bilateral credit relationships, meaning that participants know the counterparties with which they are trading. The platform is lit pre-trade, with unique full-disclosure of executing broker, prime broker and prime client post-trade, delivering enriched counterparty information to all participants.

Trading costs are also transparent and ParFX distributes, at cost, one time-sliced market data stream per connection to all active participants. A non-credit streamed feed and summary of anonymous platform activity is also provided to regulators and central banks.

Clear and transparent trading validations and rules further enhance the integrity of the platform.

Contact us

To discuss how ParFX
can support your trading
needs, please e-mail or call
+44 (0)20 7198 1575.