Alex Lewis

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Alex Lewis

Director of Operations

Director of Operations Alex Lewis contributes to the day-to-day management of, and business critical resources for, the ParFX platform. Based in London, he oversees the development and implementation of short-and long-term plans and delivery of the platform to members. 

Alex joined ParFX’s parent company Tradition in April 2008 following an 18-year career as a British Army officer, bringing with him extensive knowledge of effects-based operational and strategic planning. 

He has been heavily involved in the planning and delivery of multiple global solutions to other Tradition businesses and electronic trading platforms. He has held a number of roles within the Tradition Group, including project management, business management for TFS Derivatives and as a Manager with the Strategy and Business Development team. 

He joined the ParFX team at its inception, overseeing the development, project management and delivery of the ParFX project, before becoming Director of Operations in 2013.